Our Mission
CAP exists to reduce alcohol harm in local communities from drinking by young people under 25, with a particular emphasis on preventing underage drinking.
CAP was piloted by the Retail of Alcohol Standards Group (RASG) in 2007. The model and evaluation framework has since been extensively tested with the result that CAP is now considered one of the most effective ways of tackling localised underage drinking with over 290 partnerships across the UK.
Since our foundation, our mission is achieved via a partnership approach embracing Education (for school aged children and those up to the age of 25), Engagement (of the local community), Entertainment (appropriate positive activity for young people aged under 18), Enforcement (linked to Challenge 25 policy and preventing proxy purchase) and Evaluation (of CAP projects). All partnerships are planned for lasting and sustainable change.

Our Vision
Our vision is to help shape a society in which communities work in partnership to ensure that children do not drink alcohol and where young adults display responsible attitudes towards alcohol.

Our Values
At the heart of our work lies a strong commitment to excellence, collaboration amongst our partners, evidence-based transparent results of our work, and, flexibility to respond to the local needs of the communities we work with.